Rabia is a well-seasoned pop culture specialist and a multi-disciplinary marketing professional. Born in Europe, with Asian and African roots, she comes from a very involved and diverse household. She is outspoken on issues that pertain to her identity as a queer, disabled woman of color, and brings a unique perspective to how she consumes media and culture.
Rabia started her career in Marketing and Technology on behalf of social justice issues when she was only 15 years old. Her interest and expertise grew as she created new systems for the local government in the Netherlands to reaching out more effectively to minorities and youth through JAA (Youth Active for Amsterdam), an advisory council for the Mayor. Ever since, she’s been working and growing in different industries using her agile thinking to switch between them.
While studying, the internet and specifically social media started growing, as did her interest. Rabia has been a beta tester/early adopter for platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and more. Since then she has had a keen interest in new technology and still curates startups and new tech for well-known platforms as well as advising tech startups on business development.
As the founder of Culture Agency, she helps young POC women by training them and introducing them to the marketing industry, with an emphasis on using and implementing new tech in sustainable ways. She has experience working in a variety of areas, from government, to fashion, to fine arts, radio, cinema, cultural organizations, international embassies, non-profits, and technology.
Under the brand Cultured Curator, she has hosted a variety of conversations with important cultural figures from around the world on radio, television, and various social media platforms. As the Queen of Horror on Clubhouse, she regularly hosts Global Horror Events discussing specific countries and their relationship with the horror genre, as well as interviewing prominent international directors.
“A true oracle of contemporary tech, entertainment & culture“
– Gabriel Ercicia (Creative Director, Culture Marketer, Art Legend)
“What comes naturally and seems effortless to you is a result of years of experience on an international level. That can be said about your knowledge about online marketing as well as your deep passion and knowledge for Asian film and culture. Would love to have you on my team!“
– Peggy Gemerts (Business Director Pepr Films, and Founder/Owner of Full Color Entertainment – Film Distribution)
How do you see Rabia?
You have an unending thirst for knowledge. You keep developing yourself in every type of way. You are very knowledgeable about the things you do know about. You are very funny
Why would you ask me for advice?
Social media Asian culture movies TV LGBTQ
What do you like about me?You are so kind and helpful, inspirational, and you have overcome so much and you are still a good person, which is a choice and a difficult one.
– Suzanne Kaldenbach (Online Marketeer for Charities and Museums)
Will keep adding Quotes 🙂
“That multi talented centipede that will get shit done for you!“
– Nghia La (Media Personality, Sneaker Nerd, and Asian Chef extraordinaire)
“A beautiful, smart woman that is THE WIKIPEDIA in: – Culture- Anime- Film – Pop Culture- Marketing – Etc.. (read her Clubhouse profile 😉 )She knows her shit! If you need an expert call RPISH”
– Marjolein Scheer (Project Manager and Concept Manager in Fashion)
“You’re a fighter. You’ve been through so much that you have had a lot (too much) life experience from such a young age on which you use in your work. You can’t stand injustice and will fight for what is right. You’re a hard worker with lots of experience in lots of different kind of departments and environments.”
– Marliese van de Meer (Business Manager, Marketing consultant, and Finance Manager in Music, Art, and MUA)
“You’re the most resilient person I know, and so selfless, always putting your loved ones first, always looking out for your friends.. All this, despite all your own problems and obstacles.(like I told you before, you remind me of Blanca in Pose, or the other way around 🙂)
Love that you’re a nerd, and how you’re always up to date on all the geek, tech etc news – I don’t know you all do it! Would ask you for tech advice (as you know) but also any other stuff.”
– Monica Muns (PA to a Major Film Label’s Director and Print Manager, plus the IT woman of the European Film Industry)